
World Vegan Day is celebrated every year on November 1st.

On this day one can decide to show some love and care towards animals by consuming a diet that comprises nutrition derived only from plant based sources. It’s objective is to create awareness about how consuming a plant based diet is beneficial for one’s body and mind. It also reflects our care and concern for animals. This concept came into existence when a group of conscious individuals who cared for animals, decided to spread the word . There is exclusion meat and any product that comes from animals in Vegan diet.

"Whether to follow a  Vegan Diet or not,  is completely a personal choice."

Louise Wallis in 1994 announced November 1 as Vegan Day to truly show his love and concern for animals.


Veganism is following the concept of not exploiting animals and treating them as commodity by consuming their meat and their products.

A person who adheres to this idea is called a Vegan.


Different ideologies of veganism:

Dietary Vegans :

People who follow veganism in their diet by strictly not eating eggs,meat,dairy and other animal products are Dietary Vegans.

Ethical Vegans:

People who practice veganism in their diet as well as in other aspects life like fighting for animal rights are Ethical Vegans.

Environmental Vegans:

People who avoid using animals for farming and industrial purposes and also care for environment are Environmental Vegans.


Veganism is said to have to lot of health benefits.

  • Plant source of food is very easily absorbed, assimilated and digested in our body. Thus, giving us the extra benefits of phyto-nutrients.
  • Getting your children closer to the world of plants gets them closer to nature and teaches them to love animals.
  • People who have issues with cholesterol and high visceral fat can opt for this diet as that will help them cut down on heavily digestible animal fat.  
  • For those who are lactose intolerant, this is the best suitable diet for them as this diet avoids dairy products in addition to meat.


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