
Micronutrients comprise vitamins and minerals that play a major role in the efficient functioning of our body and release energy that keeps us active the whole day. Inclusion of vitamins and minerals in our diet is as essential as the presence of soldiers in an army. Vitamins can be classified into 'Fat Soluble ' vitamins  (A,D,E,K) and 'Water Soluble' vitamins (Vitamin B complex). Minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc etc. though required in very negligible amount by our body, are equally essential. Any deficiency of in these nutrients may lead to major consequences. For example, deficiency of iron in your child's body may lead to 'Anaemia', the symptoms of which are lack of concentration, fatigue, loss of appetite, to state a few. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a consumption of eight to nine different varieties and colours of fruits and vegetables everyday to provide our body with all the essential vitamins and minerals. Thus, it is a great idea to colour our platter everyday. Every coloured fruit and vegetable that  we consume is a pigment, a part of phytonutrients from the plants which provide a lot of health benefits including immunity . Every seasonal and local fruit has it's own benefits for our body.


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